IPL | Nations League
FIFA 2019 - Maschile

Hello guys , i'm Davide , an IPL  admin.
Today i'll guide you step by step through a tutorial about : 

How to add players on my team

Please just follow the tutorial step by step
Mobile version:

1)search on Google www.esportsrivals.com

2) log in to esportsrivals.com

3) Tap on the menu on the right top side 

4)Tap on your "user name"


5) Then tap again on the same menu 

6) click on manage team 

7) select your team 

Now you are in your personal manage team page

Now , in order o add player  , you Just have to :


1) Tap\click on the button add player 

2) Fill in the Name and Surname fields
3) Fill in the "Online  id"  fild with the player's psn id and add after that "IPL - Nation name"

i.e. Name-> Jason, Surname ->Rogers Id online-> JasonRogersFifa IPL - England

4) click save 

5) confirm